I didn’t even go to bed late! I was just that tired.
Today didn’t even feel like a Friday. It was just one of those days that felt more like a Monday, so I wasn’t in the most desirable mood when I walked into Mrs. Stoklosa's 5th period AICE media class at 7:40 am. However! the day did improve once the class was put into groups for peer feedback. The students in my class are brilliant, and it amazes me how creative and unique each of them are. As a result of this, I really enjoy peer critiques because I know how much they all aid me in the process of improving my portfolio project.
During our meeting, the biggest advice put forward by one of my classmates is to keep our project mature. When representing such a serious issue, it is imperative to stay true to the factual concept through accuracy and appropriate depiction. Therefore, my group and I have been doing extensive research in order to avoid stereotyping/enforcing misconceptions about sex trafficking and those affected by this global issue. Another suggestion given by one of my classmates is to really clarify the idea that our main characters hardships will follow after her phone gets to 1% and then dies. The commencement our of film begins after the 2 minute film opening when the main characters phone dies further establishing our film title “1%”. Additional to this, the pace of our film opening will intensify with each time the main characters battery percent falls (e.g.5% to 4% to 3%). While discussing this aspect, my classmates suggested showing the percent, not just through shots of the phones screen, but by allowing the battery icon to be present in the frame at all times (as shown below). This will be done in post editing to show the icon at the top of the screen to better allow the audience to understand the significance of the phones lifespan being symbolic of the to main characters diminishing hope.
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